Final music video

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Question 2


When creating my music video and ancillary tasks I had to remember to make sure they are all similar in some sort of way, whether through visuals, themes or messages that are being portrayed in the music video. Promotional methods such as the ancillary tasks are very important when advertising the product as well as the artist. These methods will help audience members and fans know who the artist is and give a rough idea about the meanings of the songs in the album, hence why there is a track list at the back of the CD cover.

I wanted to keep the setting completely different from the music video for the ancillary tasks as I believe I could show more about my artist, more sides about her and different dimensions of her in the CD cover, magazine advert and music video. In the ancillary tasks I did not use direct mode of address as I wanted to make it look like my artist want to be “free” and is in her own world. This was shows somewhat in my music video, however I wanted to emphasise this even more for the ancillary tasks. All of the images show that she is in her own world and is enjoying herself through the smiles and no direct mode of address. This shows curiosity which will promote my artist further. The “dreamy” look relates to all the songs in the album such as “dazed” and “beautiful nightmare”.  


For the panels in my Digipak I edited the artist’s top colour to show the different sides of the artist in the music video. This is consistent through the Digipak and music video. I also wanted to create the “dreamy effect” in all media products to show consistency. The music video and Digipak show how the artist wants to be free from all restrictions in life and how she just wants to enjoy life, rather than being stuck at work (which was shown in the music video). From the title “summertime sadness” suggest two opposites which is exactly what I wanted to show in the music video as work versus freedom.


Costume and Makeup

I have kept the makeup very simple for the music production and ancillary tasks. The makeup was very similar from the “getting ready” scene at the start of the music video and the photo shoot for the images for the Digipak. I used a going out red dress for one scene in the music video and I chose a going out top for the ancillary tasks. I wanted to show my artist as looking very smart with nice outfits to attract the audience’s attention. The contrast between the work life and going out life shows that my artist be very real but also dress up to impress. 


Digipak and Magazine Advert

The information given is consistent for both the magazine advert and Digipak. The font, colours and themes are the same. This is so the audience members know exactly what to look for when looking for my artist Maya. Additionally the hit singles on the magazine advert come from the track list on the Digipak. This is very conventional for music promotion.


I believe that I have created a consistent promotional package for my artist Maya. This is because of the colours and filters used from the music video. Furthermore both the music production and ancillary tasks intertwine with each other due to the messages being portrayed. The messages that have not been clear in the music video are clearly shown in the Digipak and Magazine. The products follow basic conventions of the promotional method in the music industry but are still distinctive from other Digipaks and Magazines.

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